Saturday, 23 May 2009

Duck Soup

Well, what a week it's been for us MPs. While the good lady,missus Confidential looks through the Farrow & Ball paint chart to decide what colour to paint the new Duck Paviliion,I've been thinking about just why I would want to continue to represent the Great British Public as the barely-elected cabinet Minister For The Department Of Not Much At All. It would probably result in a trial by the Media which has now reached fever pitch and let's face it, who would want that bunch of investigative rats parked outside our beautifully crafted gates, 24-7 on expenses. Right now they are the new Power, the new Empire, they smell blood big time but what will be the outcome?
And what could I do back as an MP back in London ? Most of what we get to see as new press "initiatives" or laws are not passed by Westminster at all but by Europe.
Yes,that's right,that bunch of peculiar people who don't talk English but persist in using their own languages,with odd and bizarre customs,who we voted to be part of.Countries who like us are hostage to their own history and they're just across the channel(err..just like us here really) Is it any wonder that we feel powerless to really change the future? We need a leader, just like CAFC does.(So c'mon Reg) We need someone to make sense of what's going on, a leader who can stimulate our belief in a the future.
I've got to go now folks, Mrs Confidential wants an executive decision on the right F&B shade of organic green to paint the Palace du Canards.


Ketts said...

You are gtting to be the most prolific blogger on the planet Rick!!

Confidential Rick said...

I'd have to go some to catch you up Ketts.How are you keeping..?

Ketts said...

I'm fine mate,enjoying the enforced 'early' retirement I have been on since late January.

Must meet up again early in the season for a Legends bash,unless you fancy Bournemouth of course.

Is everything hunky-dory at Confidential Towers?

Take care.


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