OK a determined effort today. What about Scunthorpe eh ? Nah.. too depressing. Palace on Friday..err..maybe. Then there's that global warming eh ?, what about carbon footprints ?... err.. no... Well, there's the U.S. government's involvement in regime changes around the world ?...nah. The human being's unique ability amongst the animal kingdom to destroy itself ....so what?
Now here's a good one. Smoking.
Up the pub the other day, just before the smokers went outside to face freezing temperatures for their nicotine fixes, one of the blokes said that everywhere in the UK including private clubs, smoking is now banned with one exception, the Houses of Parliament. Yep that's what he said. Smoking is allowed in some bars in the Palace of Westminster. Now Confidential doesn't know if this is true or an urban legend. He doesn't get out much these days and certainly not to such exaulted locations...BUT can this is true ? If so it's the most appalling piece of hypocracy from our leaders.
They probably need a smoke whilst working out their expenses!
Question is Sam, with some of those recent revelations, it makes you wonder what they're smoking...
Not true Rick...
I was told 'royal palaces are exempt from the ban' The houses of parliament are in fact the Royal Palace of Westminster. So it could be true, in fact i'd be dumfounded if it wasn't. As, every single MP in that building is to varying degrees a hypocritical, lying, cheating, sleazy, snout in the trough, waste of time.
You will have guessed, i don't much like them!
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